Summer 2024 SABI President's Letter
“…That the powerful play goes on and you might contribute a verse” - Walt Whitman (O Me! O Life!)
“What will your verse be?”- Robin Williams (Dead Poet’s Society)
Dear SABI friends,
Registration for the SABI Annual Meeting is now open! Dr. Desiree Morgan, Program Chair, and the rest of the Program Committee members have assembled an exciting and vibrant event for our meeting on October 5th – 9th in D.C. But much more than just the dynamic program… it is the collective contribution of each of its members, the networking, the mentoring, the comradery, and the friendships made and rekindled, that always make the SABI annual meeting a memorable experience for everyone.
New this year, we are thrilled to announced that SABI has partnered with Artificial Intelligence in Radiology Education (AIRE) to host the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Course during the week leading up to annual meeting (press release). This exciting course has provided AI training for hundreds of radiologists since its inception only a few years ago. The course will be followed by the ‘Too Cool for School’ opening session of the Annual Meeting – an AI marketplace for attendees to test firsthand what these new innovations can bring to their practice.
Please consider taking advantage of the discounted early-registration fee for the annual meeting. We anticipate great attendance with a record number of submissions to our research and poster education sessions!
Looking forward to seeing you in D.C.!
Ivan Pedrosa, MD
President, SABI 2023-2024