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Interested in joining a committee?

Joining a SABI Committee is the best way to interact and collaborate with experts in radiology in an intimate setting. We need volunteers for the following Committees: 

Bylaws, Communications, Early Career, Education, Membership

To request to be placed on a SABI Committee, please email the SABI Executive Director director@sabiradiology.org

Click to request! 

Committee Descriptions

Awards Committee

The committee will review potential candidates from the among Fellows and members in good standing (current or emeritus) who have made, in the opinion of the committee, substantial contributions to the Society. The SABI Service Medal is awarded to a member of the society who has made extraordinary volunteer contributions to the mission and day to day operations of the society. It is not required that this type of award be given every year.

Committee Chair: Dr. Brian Herts, Cleveland Clinic

Bylaws Committee

Maintain and reevaluate the bylaws annually, and ad hoc as required by special circumstances. Assure the bylaws mature with the society. Evaluate and maintain the SOP templates for SABI committees, minimally every three years. Evaluate all committees SOP changes prior to board review for adherence to the bylaws. Once committees complete the SOP, this committee would be the first to review prior to the Board. Upon review, the bylaws committee may communicate any suggested changes with the relevant committee chair. The bylaws committee would then make suggestions/recommendations regarding the document to the board. (NOTE: Any committee that requests changes to the individual SOP, must use track changes to make it easier for review.) Evaluate all the committee SOPs approximately every three years. Approximately one third of the committee SOP's will be reviewed each year for adherence to the current bylaws.

Committee Chair: Dr. Kundra Vikas, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Committee Members: 

  • Dr. Andrew Smith -  University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Dr. Priya Bhosale -  MD Anderson Cancer Center 
  • Dr. Marco Molina -  UConn Health 
  • Dr. Paul Nikolaidis - Northwestern University 
  • Dr. Joseph Yacoub - Georgetown University 

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee shall oversee design and maintenance of the Society’s website and assist in the production of society newsletters or other mass communications. In addition, the Committee is responsible for press releases, and general announcements of the Society. The committee relies heavily upon staff support to produce and execute its charge. Staff and committee collaboration includes:

  1. Assess all communication strategies and their effectiveness in keeping the membership informed.
  2. Make recommendations for improvement
  3. Develop a comprehensive communication plan for regularly scheduled and “popup” communication needs
  4. Solicit content from committees, board and chapters related to SABI programs or services current or “in the works”
  5. Solicit trends in health care recruitment for social media posting
  6. Administer the development and distribution of the quarterly newsletter and evaluate distribution methods (e.g., print versus electronic only) and make recommendations to the board
  7. Develop a public relations and marketing campaign to help further the board’s strategic goals and objectives

Committee Chair: Dr. Angela Tong, NYU Langone Health

Committee Roster

Last First Position
Tong Angela Chair
Ananthakrishnan Lakshmi Member
Bhosale Priya Member
Catanzano Tara Member
Chu Linda Member
Gupta Nakul Member
Huang Chenchan Member
Kanal Kalpana Member
Khatri Gaurav Member
Kim Sooah Member
Kocher Madison Member
Krishnan Pranay Member
Lee Chang Member
Penna Rubal Member
Rajebi Hamid Member
Saini Sanjay Member
Sekhar Aarti Member
Singh Ramandeep Member
Young Daniel Member
Nandwana Sadhna Member
Argiriadi Pamela Member
Nachand Douglas Member
Roda Manohar Member
Hindman Nicole Member
Garg Tushar Member
Chaurasia Aditi Member
Rigiroli Francesca Member

Corporate Relations Committee

The Corporate Relations Committee is to serve as liaisons between the association and our corporate partners by promoting participation at the annual meeting and support of the association’s activities. The committee will also conduct special tasks selected by the Executive Board related to corporate relations. Furthermore, the committee will consult with the Executive Board regarding activities of relevance in terms of corporate support of the manifold functions of the association.

Committee Chair: Dr. Matt Davenport, University of Michigan Medical Center

Education Committee

The Continuing Medical Education Committee (the “Education Committee”) shall ensure that the educational needs of the registrants of the Society’s Postgraduate teaching courses are met. Specifically, the committee shall ensure the Society’s Continuing Medical Education (“CME”) courses meet the criteria set forth by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.

Committee Chair: Dr. Tara Catanzano, Baystate medical Center

Committee Roster

Last First Position
Catanzano Tara Chair
Digumarthy Subba Member
Lee Jean Member
Patino Angelica Member
Shenoy-Bhangle Anuradha Member
Wang Zhen Jane Member
Robbins Jessica Member
Hill Paul Member
Shinagare Atul Member
Nandwana Sadhna Member
Paroder Viktoriya Member
Futterer Jurgen Member
Ozturk Arinc Member
Rajiah Prabhakar Member

Early Career Committee

The Early Career Committee promotes networking and mentorship for early career members and trainees (medical students, residents, and fellows), with the goal of enhancing their careers as well as facilitating their active participation in the Society. Activities include In-Training workshops, networking, webinars on career choices, mentorship, paper writing, etc.

Committee Co-Chairs: 

  • Dr. Melina Hosseiny
  • Dr. Anugayathri Jawahar
2024 Roster Update Coming Soon

Fellow Nominating Committee

The Fellow Nominating Committee coordinates and reviews applications and nominations for Fellowship status in SABI, and will be responsible for such activities before and during annual meetings. The FNC is also responsible for defining the qualifications for eligibility for Fellowship in the SABI. FNC committee activities involve multiple steps throughout the year leading to the presentation of Fellow nominees at the annual meeting, either by the Chair of the committee or the Reporting Board Member.

Committee Chair: Dr. Olga Brook

Committee Roster

Last First Position
Brook Olga Chair
Smith Andrew Member
Kundra Vikas Member
Singh Satinder Member
Rauch Maia Member
Bashir Mustafa Member
Taouli Bachir Member
Shenoy Bhangle Anuradha Member
Chu Linda Member
Wang Jane (Zhen) Member
Nandwana Sadhna Member

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee provides guidance to the board to help ensure the financial health of the organization, informed by strong fiscal policies. The committee shall periodically review and revise the investment guidelines, financial audit documents, and fiscal policies of SABI, and make other financial-related recommendations as requested by the board.

Committee Chair: Dr. Bill Shuman, University of Washington

Committee Roster

Last First Position
Shuman Bill Chair
Brook Olga Member
Chandarana Hersh Member
Yee Judy Member
Davenport Matt Member 

Mentoring Committee

The Mentoring Committee is responsible for oversight and direction of SABI Mentoring Program, ensuring that all participants have an enriching learning experience that contributes to their personal and professional growth and development. The goal of the Mentoring Program is to provide a professional development opportunity for future radiology leaders in SABI. The program aims to strengthen relationships between SABI members who participate as Mentors, between Mentors and the Mentee group, as well as between the SABI, referral contacts and the Mentee employer organizations.

Learn More About the Mentorship Program

Committee Chair: Dr. Carolyn Wang, University of Washington Department of Radiology

Committee Roster

Last First Position
Wang Carolyn Chair 
Rofsky Neil Member
Gee Michael Member
Rafat Zand Khashy Member
Mayer David Member
Jha Priyanka Member
Shenoy-Bhangle Anu Member
Hindman Nicole Member

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee plays an important role in SABI’s ongoing efforts to encourage, support, recruit and retain SABI members. This committee serves as the backbone for member growth and engagement. Additionally, the committee assists with greeting attendees at SABI educational and social events, and helps identify opportunities to improve member engagement and the overall membership experience. The committee shall be responsible for review of criteria for candidates for Membership and In-Training Membership of the Society. The committee shall review membership applications and approve members, and with the approval of the Board, it may delegate this responsibility to the Executive Director.

Committee Chair: Dr. Maia Rauch, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Co-Chair: Dr. Elizabeth Edney, University of Nebraska Medical Center

Committee Roster

Member Name Position
Rauch, Maia Chair
Edney, Elizabeth Vice-Chair
DeCecco, Carlo Member
Jacobs, Jill Member
Liau, Joy Member
Hindman, Nicole Member
Odedra, Devang Member
Roda, Manohar Member
Shenoy-Bhangle, Anuradha Member
Smith, Andrew Member
Tong, Angela Member
Nandwana, Sadhna Member
Robbins, Jessica Member
Molina, Marco Member
Jawahar, Anugayathri Member
Soloff, Erik Member

Program Committee

The Program Committee develops credible, relevant, and cutting-edge programs; creates fruitful networking events and social opportunities; understands and manages the needs of both attendees and exhibitors; develops key long-term alliances and partnerships with potential sponsors and exhibitors; creates new and unique opportunities for industry to reach membership; solicits sponsorships and exhibitors; works to create and provide mutually beneficial sponsor, exhibitor, and attendee interactions; works closely with the Corporate Relations Advisory Board on all relevant pieces of the conference; adheres to the conference budget as approved by the Board of Directors.

Committee Chair: Dr. Desiree Morgan, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Scientific Research Committee

The Research Awards – Scientific Committee (the “Research Committee”) reviews and revises abstract guidelines; solicits abstracts and reviewers from SABI members; sets qualifications for reviewers; assigns abstracts for reviews; evaluates abstract reviews; makes final decisions on abstract acceptances for posters, short talks, long talks and workshops; lays out program.

Committee Chair: Dr. Bari Dane, NYU Langone Health

Committee Roster

De CeccoCarloMember

TAC (Technology Advisory Council)

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