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Member Spotlights

Spring 2024

Eric Tamm MD

Professor, Diagonstic Radiology

How long have you been a member of SABI? 16 years

What is your area of focus?

I am an abdominal imager at MD Anderson Cancer Center, which I joined in 2000. I have an academic and research focus in pancreatic oncologic imaging and lead our group of radiologists who support our clinical pancreatic multidisciplinary group. I am also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography (JCAT), the official journal of SABI.

What is your favorite part of being a member of SABI?

The relationships I have made with colleagues and getting together with them at the SABI annual meeting. Notably, many of our Associate Editors are SABI members or fellows and I particularly look forward to our JCAT Editors’ in-person meeting each year at SABI.

What (or who) made you motivated to join the SABI?

Initially it was to learn about innovations in CT and MR and how to implement them at MD Anderson. I’ve always considered SABI the “how to” society where I could keep informed on advancements in imaging and how to put them into practice.

What activities of SABI do you like?

The annual meeting, with the varied formats, such as panel discussions, pro/con debates, plenaries/workshops/roundtables, and ed/sci paper/poster presentations, etc.

I also have really enjoyed the opportunity to support, to become involved with, a radiology society via SABI, whether it was initially as a committee member, later as a committee chair, and most currently in my role on the Board as the JCAT Director and as Editor of JCAT. Most important to me is helping SABI and JCAT mutually benefit from each other.

What are your hobbies or favorite activities when you have time?

Family activities, especially our family travels, which have included Canada, Switzerland, Holland, France, Germany, and England.

I enjoy the science fiction/fantasy genre, both reading novels and watching movies. I especially enjoy reading at the beach on family vacations. Authors like Bradbury, movies like Blade Runner, and, which our family have enjoyed together, the Harry Potter books and movies.

What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?

Estonia and Denmark.



Clinican-Scientist Diagnostic Radiology Resident at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD)

How long have you been a member of SABI? 3 years

What is your area of focus?

As a Clinician-Scientist Diagnostic Radiology resident at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), I'm deeply engaged in a variety of projects at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and medical imaging. I have the privilege of being the primary investigator on a prestigious $50K RSNA resident grant, which focuses on leveraging deep learning for oncologic imaging. I’ve been honored with multiple awards and scholarships from renowned international scientific meetings, including RSNA, SAR, SABI, and SIR. Additionally, I'm proud to serve on the LI-RADS Steering Committee, SAR-ETC on Artificial Intelligence and to have the honor of being one of the first radiology trainees to actively participate on the editorial boards of leading journals in the field, including RadioGraphics and JACR.

Beyond my research, I am deeply involved in the radiology community through various leadership roles. I currently serve as the Chair of the Society of Advanced Body Imaging Early Career Committee (SABI-ECC) and as the Education Chair of the R4SF organization. My past roles have included serving as the ACR Western States Representative and the Innovation Liaison of the Executive Committee of the SAR-RFS.

What is your favorite part of being a member of SABI?

  • The PEOPLE!!
  • A supportive and friendly environment.
  • Exceptional leaders and mentors in the field. A society culture that values mentorship.
  • Spanning multiple subspecialties, including abdominal imaging, musculoskeletal (MSK) imaging, breast imaging, cardiothoracic imaging, and interventional radiology.
  • Embracing a culture that welcomes Artificial Intelligence, with a strong focus on it.
  • Educational offerings and opportunities for collaboration in research and clinical practice.
  • Amplifying the voices of young members, resident representatives, fellows, and those in the early stages of their careers.

What (or who) made you motivated to join the SABI?

What truly sets SABI apart, first and foremost, are the PEOPLE. It's the supportive and friendly environment they cultivate that makes it a unique place to learn and grow. We are fortunate to have exceptional leaders and mentors who are not just pioneers in their fields but also embody a society culture deeply rooted in the value of mentorship. SABI spans multiple subspecialties, including abdominal imaging, MSK imaging, breast imaging, cardiothoracic imaging, and interventional radiology, showcasing the breadth and depth of expertise this society offers.

Furthermore, SABI embraces a culture that not only welcomes Artificial Intelligence but also places a strong focus on it, positioning us at the cutting edge of technological advancements in the field. The educational offerings and opportunities for collaboration in both research and clinical practice are unparalleled, fostering a dynamic and innovative environment for professional development. Most importantly, SABI is committed to amplifying the voices of young members, resident representatives, and fellows, ensuring that the next generation of professionals is heard, supported, and empowered. This unique approach to growth, learning, and innovation is what encouraged me to be a part of the SABI family.

What activities of SABI do you like?

It's nearly impossible to single out one aspect of SABI; the society has so much to offer. Being a part of the SABI Early Career Committee presents a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the field, learn from experts, grow alongside amazing members, and establish early connections that are invaluable for professional growth. The SABI meetings, TED Talks, and workshops offer a unique platform to learn directly from giants in the field. This not only facilitates learning but also encourages contributions to the field through the supportive culture of SABI. Furthermore, SABI's focus on innovation and Artificial Intelligence provides an unmatched opportunity to be involved with and learn firsthand about the cutting-edge advancements shaping our field. This engagement with innovation and AI aligns perfectly with my interests and aspirations, making my involvement with SABI both enriching and meaningful in my professional development.

What are your hobbies or favorite activities when you have time?

In my free time, I'm passionate about several activities: playing the piano, skiing for a thrilling connection with nature, playing tennis, working out, and practicing Aerial Yoga. These hobbies help me maintain a balanced and enriched lifestyle.

What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?

I would love to travel to Ecuador as part of the RSNA Global Health Initiative.

What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?

Ziplining is my signature activity while traveling; I've already tried many ziplines in different cities and countries, including the longest zipline in the world and the longest urban zipline in the world.

AUgust 2023

Harpreet S Grewal MD

Assistant Professor, Florida State University College of Medicine, Pensacola, FL

How long have you been a member of SABI? 3 years

What is your area of focus?

I am a body, MSK and cardiothoracic radiologist with heavy emphasis on body imaging in my routine clinical work. I also like to be involved in AI applications in radiology with our practice utilizing several cutting-edge AI tools which help me stay updated.

What is your favorite part of being a member of SABI?

The great learning that happens at SABI is my favorite part. Being a member of ECC, I like interacting with like minded colleagues from across the country and collaborating with them on various projects.

What (or who) made you motivated to join the SABI?

I joined SABI (SCBT-MR back then) after being introduced to it by my mentors Dr. Pedrosa and Dr. Khatri at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

What activities of SABI do you like?

I like the cohesive atmosphere at SABI, the ability to collaborate and connecting with old and new friends. The annual meeting is very well organized, and the schedule is not overwhelming with great learning happening during the course of the meeting.

What are your hobbies or favorite activities when you have time?

Playing pickle ball, go for a run by the beach and try out new recipes from youtube/pinterest.

What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?

I want to visit Cappadocia in Turkey to try the epic hot air balloons.

Tara M. Catanzano MD

Professor, Baystate Medical Center

How long have you been a member of SABI? 20 years

Please give a brief work-related introduction of yourself including your focus in clinical and/or research area and if any specific role at work. My clinical work focuses on abdominal, pediatric and emergency imaging, however, my passion at work is faculty development and mentorship. My career goal is to inspire radiologists to craft engaging work environments that will allow them to remain invigorated, satisfied and professionally fulfilled throughout their career.

What is your favorite part of being a member of SABI?

The support, mentorship and camaraderie that embodies the SABI community is my favorite part of membership. SABI members are incredibly welcoming, supportive and inclusive.

What (or who) made you motivated to join the SABI?

I was introduced to SABI by my mentor Jeff Weinreb during my fellowship. I can’t thank him enough for introducing me to this amazing society!

What activities of SABI do you like?

I love that SABI is so willing to embrace innovation and to allow members to try out new ideas and new offerings for the betterment of the society.

What are your hobbies or favorite activities when you have time?

Reading, hand and machine embroidery, watching my kids compete in tennis and Irish dance, spending time with my McHugh Zoo (husband, kids, 3 dogs and 5 cats)

What’s one item you can’t live without?

That’s easy – coffee!

JUNE 2023

Angela Tong, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

How long have you been a member of SABI?
5 years

I love the outdoors – hiking, climbing, kayaking, best in hard to reach places.

What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?
Would love to go to Antarctica before the ice melts!

What is your area of clinical/research focus? I am an abdominal radiologist at NYU Langone Health with an interest in genitourinary imaging, especially prostate and female pelvis imaging. I also enjoy translational research and bringing new technologies to clinical medicine such as deep learning applications and new and/or improved MRI sequences

What is your favorite part of being a member of SABI? 
The greatest part of being a member of SABI is meeting people across the country and institutions who have similar professional interests as well as motivation to advance the field.

What (or who) made you motivated to join the SABI?
I was convinced to join by my mentor Nicole Hindman. Thankful that she suggested it!

What activities of SABI do you like?
The rigorous and diverse mentorship activities are unique to SABI and are ways to meet people and to grow professionally and personally. Specifically, the “Coaching as a leadership style” year long program was instrumental in how I approach mentorship and coaching now.


Assistant Professor

How long have you been a member of SABI?
3 years

What is your area of clinical/research focus?
I am a physician scientist with dual training as an abdominal radiologist and medical physicist. Clinically I am focused on genitourinary pathology, particularly related to the kidneys; my research focuses on developing novel artificial intelligence methods for imaging of the kidneys.

What is your favorite part of being a member of SABI?
My favorite part of SABI is meeting new and old friends! And more than any other organization I learn both inside and outside the presentation halls.

What (or who) made you motivated to join the SABI?
Several of my colleagues at the University of Wisconsin are very active at SABI and encouraged me to get involved. I’m glad they did!

What activities of SABI do you like?
As one of the co-chairs of the Early Career Committee (ECC), I favor the ECC events, particularly the evening social and speed mentoring sessions. Both events have been an excellent means to seek career advice.

What is your hobbies or favorite activities when you have time?
I love to play piano, particularly from the classical and romantic periods. I began taking lessons as a young child but stopped formal lessons when I was 13. Over the years I kept playing, but felt like I had hit a ceiling in my skill level. Last year I started taking lessons again, which has been extremely rewarding. Aside from piano, I spend as much time as I can with family and also enjoy traveling and reading nonfiction.

What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
I love gardening and enjoy growing unusual/heirloom varieties of vegetables (quick plug for seedsavers.org).

March 2023

Dr. Jessica Robbins, MD FAUR FSABI

Professor of Radiology
Vice Chair of Faculty Development and Enrichment
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health 
Madison, WI

How long have you been a member of SABI?
6 years

Running and Reading

Interesting Fact: 
Raises Monarch Butterflies

What is your area of clinical/research focus?
As an abdominal radiologist at the University of Wisconsin, I do the full range of abdominal imaging, CT colonography, and small procedures including ultrasound-guided biopsies, paras and thoras, and hysterosalpingograms/hysterosonography.  I have a particular interest in benign and oncologic gynecologic imaging and have participated in some gynecologic oncology research.  While I do not have the opportunity to much obstetric imaging clinically, it is something I love to teach my residents about.  In my role as Vice Chair of Faculty Development and Enrichment, I oversee our departmental career development and promotion processes and their intersection with DEI and wellbeing

What is your favorite part of being a member of SABI?
SABI is my favorite specialty organization!  The group is welcoming, inclusive, and brilliant. The networking is spectacular and I learn so much every time I interact with SABI.

What or who motivated you to join SABI?
As we were waiting for our RSNA Refresher course to begin, Susan Ascher encouraged me to consider joining SABI (SCBT-MR at the time).  I was initially reluctant since I had a perception that the organization was “elitist” and “exclusive.”  Susan assured me that the culture of SABI had evolved and that I would be welcomed and included.  So, when Scott Reeder invited me to present in the “Don’t let this happen to you session” at the 2018 meeting, I accepted and, wow, am I grateful I did!  In SABI, I found my abdominal imaging people!

What activities of SABI do you like?
I love the annual meeting; it is a wonderful opportunity to connect and learn.  Serving as the senior faculty member advisor for the ECC has been extraordinarily rewarding as I feel like I am watching the future of SABI in the making! The monthly webinars have been a great way to stay connected with the society, interface with new people, and, in the instance of the book clubs discuss non-radiology topics with my radiology peers!

What are your hobbies or favorite activities?
I am an avid runner and reader.  Some people “brunch” with their friends, I run; I have a standing weekend date with one of my besties, Susan, where we run and share personal stories for 90 minutes while looping Lake Mendota.  I am always reading fiction, my favorites are epic character development novels, and have been known to carry my current read with me so I can catch a few words while I’m waiting for my latte.

What is something about you that not many people know?
I raise Monarch butterflies.  The hobby started by accident when I found a fat caterpillar on my walk home from work.  I thought my kids would be interested in watching the metamorphosis.  They were, kind of, but it turns out I was more enthralled by the process than they were.  Over the past few years, I have cultivated numerous milkweed plants in my yard to provide the Monarchs a place to lay their eggs and to feed the VERY hungry caterpillars that emerge from the eggs I collect.  My “farm” has raised and released nearly 200 butterflies in the past 2 years; I am hoping that the summer of 2023 will be even more fruitful than last year!

Dr. Aditi Chaurasia, MBBS

Post-doctoral research fellow
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD

How long have you been a member of SABI?
3 years

Cooking, preventing food waste, and loves to travel! 

What is your area of clinical/research focus?
Over the last two years as a research fellow at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, my role was to lead and collaborate on clinical research projects based on familial renal cancer. My current interests are oncologic imaging and interventions. I completed my medical school training in India at All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal, and I’m an incoming radiology resident at UAMS. Serving as a co-chair of SABI’s Early Career Committee (ECC), my role is to oversee committee-led events and learn from peers & senior members along the way.

What is your favorite part of being a member of SABI?
SABI is the first society I became closely involved with and it has a special place in my heart. I felt that SABI was a close-knit community of radiologists who are welcoming and passionate not only for advances in imaging but also for advancing the career of trainees and early career members. If you’re interested in getting actively involved or seeking mentorship– SABI is your go-to Society!

What or who motivated you to join SABI?
My mentor Ashkan Malayeri and one of my co-fellows at that time, Moozhan Nikpanah encouraged me to submit my educational abstract to SABI2020 and I seized the opportunity to present, especially since it was virtual and thus convenient as I was in my home country at that time. During the virtual meeting, I chanced upon a post about joining the newly formed early career committee and I signed up for it. I was pleasantly surprised with fellow members’ infectious enthusiasm for radiology and life, in general- everyone was super-nice! There’s no looking back since then.

What activities of SABI do you like?
Annual meeting and ECC events! Not only the conference is a great way to learn about the most exciting advances in abdominal imaging and generate ideas for future clinical research, but also an incredible opportunity to connect with peers and mentors. The ECC led events focus on professional advancement and mentorship – thus helping one grow and develop long-term friendships!

What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?
I’m a self-confessed travelholic and I’d love to explore all the cultures, cuisines and experiences the world has to offer! One of the seven wonders of the world - Machu Picchu has been on my bucket-list since a long time. Of all the world's destinations, few are as esoteric and mystical as the historical site of Machu Picchu in Peru. Trying out the local plant-based Peruvian cuisine is another bonus, can’t wait to check it off my bucket list!

What is something about you that not many people know?
Not only do I enjoy cooking, but I’m also passionate about efforts to prevent food wastage and global hunger. Back home, I was part of an NGO called ‘Robinhood army’ which used to distribute surplus food from restaurants, weddings, etc. to underserved living in urban slum dwellings & public places. Presently, I volunteer at a Sunday service which serves 96 lunch packages to the people-in-need in downtown DC.

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