Dear colleagues,
I had the privilege of attending the 11th annual meeting of the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research in Washington, D.C as a representative of SABI and a member of the Council of Early Career Investigators in Imaging (CECI²) Class of 2022. This highly anticipated event brought together a diverse group of participants, including academics, industry professionals, society leaders, patient advocates, and government representatives. Featured activities were the Medical Imaging Technology Showcase, Capitol Hill Advocacy Day, and Research Roundtable Discussion.
Numerous advances in artificial intelligence, CT, MRI, PET, cancer imaging, and interventional radiology were on display at the meeting; I proudly showcased our innovative approach to opportunistically screen for cardiomegaly on CT. Our algorithm automates measurement of the cardiothoracic ratio, enabling identification of cardiomegaly, which is associated with coronary events, heart failure, valvular disorders, arrhythmias, and other cardiac abnormalities. In collaborating with cardiologists, we ensure seamless care coordination and timely follow-up evaluations for these patients. This solution has enormous potential to alleviate the healthcare burden of late-stage cardiovascular disease.
A note about the CECI² of the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research; it was established with the aim of showcasing the work of early-career researchers, creating invaluable program content tailored to their needs, and involving them in research advocacy initiatives. The Academy's CECI² plays a pivotal role in advocating for medical imaging research during Capitol Hill visits and engaging with congressional offices to emphasize the importance of sustained funding for the NIH. This year, the Level-2 programming for CECI² members included a visit to the NIH's intramural research program, where we gained insights into interventional radiology, molecular imaging research, and imaging biomarkers.
I am truly grateful for the opportunity and wish to thank the entire SABI community as my sponsor.
Asser Abou Elkassem